Hatchery Management Software

EMKALink and remote connection software







Our EMKALink, Link 2.0,  hatchery management tool allows the hatchery manager to have a complete overview and access to all the incubators in the hatchery.


Hatchery management software today demands 24/7 close monitoring of all incubators and their parameters. EMKA Hatchery Equipment was the first company to produce hatchery management software that controls all the incubators remotely. Over the years we have improved and upgraded the software.


Each EMKA incubator is EMKALink ready for integration into a network.


Linking you:

The Hatchery Manager is able to monitor, modify or reprogram any and all machines in the hatchery from his desk. The EMKALink is completely adapted for use on smartphones and tablets. It allows you to have the security and overview of your hatchery in the comfort of your home. You will be able to assess every situation happening at the hatchery making your stand-by time as efficient and productive as possible.


Linking Modules:

EMKALink has a modular design that allows you to personalize your EMKALink to your hatchery needs and takes into account your future business growth. As your hatchery expands, so does your need for control over the hatching eggs.

Alarms & reports:

EMKALink keeps a record of all the parameters and alarms. These are easily downloadable for your future records and analysis, keeping the link between the hatchery manager and the machines as simple and clear as possible.


EMKA Hatchery Equipment, stunning performance, every time