The importance of fumigating hatching eggs

Why is fumigation important?


Fumigation is the process of exposing eggs or any other material to fumigants or gases to kill pests or microorganisms that can cause disease or damage.

Fumigating hatching eggs is an essential step in ensuring the health and safety of the chicks that will hatch from these eggs.

The practice is particularly important for commercial egg producers, as it helps to minimize the risk of disease transmission and improves the overall quality of the chicks.

There are several reasons why fumigating hatching eggs is critical. Firstly, it helps to eliminate or reduce the risk of disease transmission. Hatching eggs can be contaminated with bacteria, viruses, fungi, or parasites that can cause diseases in chicks. These pathogens can come from various sources, such as the environment, the hen, or the egg itself. Fumigation is an effective way to kill or reduce the number of these pathogens, which can prevent disease outbreaks and reduce chick mortality.

Secondly, fumigation helps to maintain the quality of the hatching eggs. Eggs that are contaminated with microorganisms or pests may have reduced hatchability, reduced chick quality, or even be rejected by hatcheries.

Fumigating eggs can improve hatchability and ensure that the chicks that hatch are healthy, vigorous, and free from disease.


There are several fumigants that can be used to fumigate hatching eggs, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. The most common fumigants used for hatching eggs are formaldehyde, chlorine dioxide, and hydrogen peroxide. These fumigants are effective against a wide range of microorganisms and pests and are relatively safe to use when applied correctly.


Formaldehyde is a strong disinfectant and has been used for many years to fumigate hatching eggs. It is a gas at room temperature and can penetrate the eggshell and kill microorganisms and pests inside the egg. However, formaldehyde is also a carcinogen and can be harmful to humans and animals. Therefore, its use is strictly regulated, and proper safety measures must be followed.


Chlorine dioxide is another commonly used fumigant for hatching eggs. It is a powerful oxidizing agent that can kill bacteria, viruses, and fungi. Unlike formaldehyde, chlorine dioxide is a liquid at room temperature and must be applied to the egg using a specialized machine. It is relatively safe to use when applied correctly, but it can be corrosive and can cause irritation to the eyes and skin.


Hydrogen peroxide is a newer fumigant that has gained popularity in recent years. It is a powerful oxidizing agent that can kill bacteria, viruses, and fungi. It is relatively safe to use and does not leave any harmful residues. However, it can be unstable and can decompose rapidly if not stored or applied correctly.


The choice of fumigant depends on several factors, such as the type of microorganisms or pests present, the degree of contamination, the type of eggshell, and the available equipment. It is essential to select the appropriate fumigant and to follow the manufacturer's instructions and safety guidelines.


Fumigation should be done before incubation to ensure that the eggs are free from pests and microorganisms that could harm the developing embryos. The eggs must be cleaned and disinfected before fumigation to remove any debris or organic matter that can interfere with the fumigant's action. The eggs must also be placed in airtight containers or chambers to ensure that the fumigant concentration is maintained and that the fumigant does not escape into the environment.


By eliminating pests and diseases, fumigation improves hatchability rates, reduces the risk of disease outbreaks, and protects the health of the flock. Fumigation is an important part of biosecurity protocols and should be carried out with care and attention to ensure the safety of the eggs.
With proper fumigation procedures in place, farmers can produce healthy, resilient chicks and maintain the productivity and profitability of their poultry farms.
All EMKA incubators are equipped with TDS (Total Disinfection System) This is a system that allows the incubators to also disinfect the eggs before and during the incubation process in the incubators.